The Best Ways for Seniors to Stay Warm and Cozy in Winter

Did you know that as you age, you become more susceptible to cold? In fact, seniors are at much higher risk of developing hypothermia and other ill effects from the cold. And if you have conditions like diabetes or take certain medicines that interfere with your ability to stay warm, you’re at even higher risk. So it’s important to protect yourself from the cold. Here are the best ways for seniors to stay warm and cozy in winter. 

Eat Well

Maintaining your weight and eating enough food to give you energy to stay warm is crucial in winter. If you don’t have enough body fat, it’s difficult to stay warm. And that can be a real problem for seniors, since it’s common to experience a decline in appetite as you age. 

So make sure you are eating enough healthy food each day. If you feel like you may not be getting enough nutrition, try incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet. For instance, add fruit and nuts to your oatmeal, granola to your yogurt, or slices of avocado to your sandwiches. 

Stay Hydrated and Drink Warm Beverages

Keeping yourself hydrated is also important for staying warm. Seniors are especially susceptible to becoming dehydrated because our sense of thirst diminishes as we age. And during the winter, we don’t always feel as thirsty because of the cold. So it’s very important to pay attention to how much you’re drinking and make sure that you stay hydrated.

Remember, hydration doesn’t always have to come from cold water. In fact, warm beverages can be especially helpful when you’re cold. Hot apple cider, herbal tea, and warm spiced milk are all excellent choices to help you stay warm and cozy in winter. 

Dress in Layers

Dressing appropriately is essential for seniors to stay warm in winter. If you get too hot, you’ll sweat and then become too cold because you’re wet. But if you aren’t dressed warmly enough, you won’t be able to maintain your core body temperature. So what’s the solution? Dress in layers.

Although it may seem inconvenient, wearing multiple layers is important in the winter. Loose layers trap body heat to help you stay warm. And you can add or remove layers as necessary to reach a comfortable temperature. Wool and synthetic fibres that are designed to help with moisture wicking are good choices. Remember to always change clothing that becomes wet. And wear waterproof and wind-resistant outer layers in inclement weather. 

Stay Active

It’s often tempting to sit for long periods, snuggled under blankets in the winter. And while you should certainly use blankets for warmth, staying active is essential to stay warm in the winter, too. If you don’t stay active, it’s hard for your body to maintain muscle mass and generate enough warmth. So aim to get some physical activity every day.

There are lots of enjoyable winter activities to participate in outdoors. But if the weather is too terrible, you can stay active indoors, as well. Take advantage of the exercise room to help you stay fit, join one of our exercise classes, or simply build more activity into your day by walking around your suite on commercial breaks.

At Normandy Living, the safety and comfort of our residents is paramount. We encourage you to take advantage of our all-day hospitality and refreshment area to ensure you get enough to eat and drink. And remember, we offer activities all year round to help you stay healthy and active. So keep an eye out for something you enjoy, and join us!


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