Normandy Living

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The Power of Positivity: Cultivating Optimism in the Golden Years

Did you know that having a positive attitude is linked to living a longer and happier life? It’s true! But it’s not always easy to feel positive, particularly if you’re dealing with health challenges or the loss of loved ones. So how can you harness the power of positivity in your own life? Here are some strategies for cultivating optimism in the golden years. 

Stay Social

It’s easy to hide away when you’re feeling down. But staying social is important for your well-being. And it will help you feel more positive about life, too. It’s particularly helpful to socialize with other seniors, who know what you’re going through, or to choose activities or projects that already bring you joy.

So make a date to meet up with friends, join a club, or spend time volunteering for a cause you care about. Remember, we always have activities available for residents to participate in. So join us for Tai Chi, shuffleboard, or a Hawaiian Luau lunch! And keep an eye on the activities schedule. We update it frequently with new activities. 

Learn or Teach a New Skill

Learning a new skill or teaching one to others can help you cultivate optimism. Think back to the last time you mastered something new. That sense of accomplishment felt pretty good, right? So try picking up a new skill. It can be anything from painting to bowling to learning sign language. You’ll feel better, and you’ll help your mind stay nimble, too!

Alternatively, why not share your skills with others? Helping others learn always makes us feel good about ourselves. So why not teach a knitting class, show off your art skills, or help someone learn how to use a new piece of technology? We all have something to share. So find what you’re good at, and help someone else learn a new skill. 

Change Your Thinking

Sometimes, we can get stuck in a rut of negative self talk. I feel miserable. I’m so lonely. There’s no point in getting up today. Nothing will have changed. No one cares about me. I’m always in pain. 

These sorts of thoughts keep us feeling depressed. And while we all have times that we feel down, we should try not to let negative thoughts consume us. 

Fortunately, there are some exercises you can try to help you embrace the power of positivity instead. Here are a few: 

  • Write a story about yourself, highlighting the positive aspects of your personality and achievements.

  • If there are past mistakes or misdeeds bothering you, write letters of forgiveness to yourself and to those you wronged. It helps to move past negative memories, even if you never send the letters.

  • List your top 5 abilities and think about ways you can use them more often in your life.

  • Each day, list the best three things that have happened, your contribution to them, and whether anyone else helped make them happen. 

  • Keep a gratitude journal. Every day, write down the things you are thankful for. If you find it difficult at first, focus on simple things, like waking up in the morning, having a stable place to live, and having good food to eat. Branch out from there. 

Embracing the power of positivity and cultivating optimism in your golden years is one of the best things you can do for yourself. So try to incorporate some of these strategies every day. You’ll be looking on the sunny side of life in no time!